Database Cleaner Pro efficiently cleans and optimizes your database with speed and thoroughness. Choose between an easy or expert mode based on your level of expertise for a seamless cleaning process.
Database Cleaner Pro Plugin Features
- Delete useless Data
- Delete useless Tables
- Handle useless Options
- Handle useless Post Types
- Enhanced “Used By” column for Tables, Post Types and Options
- Automatic Auto-Clean
= 1.0.2 (2023/12/20) = * Update: Enhanced UI and how the items are ordered. * Update: Better plugins support. * 💕 Don't hesitate to share some love with us. If you enjoy Database Cleaner, please leave a review [here](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/database-cleaner/). Also, any issues or feature requests you have, share it with us, we'll do our best. = 0.9.9 (2023/10/09) = * Update: For better confidentiality, the logs file is now randomly generated. = 0.9.8 (2023/10/03) = * Update: Better UI for the Custom Queries. * Add: Support more plugins. = 0.9.7 (2023/09/19) = * Add: More schedules for the Nyao Sweeper. * Add: Build/Remove Indexes button in the Settings to optimizing the queries. * Fix: Issues with Custom Queries. * Add: More settings to craft yourself a better and nicer UI for Database Cleaner. = 0.9.6 (2023/09/11) = * Add: Release of a new feature! The Nyao Sweeper. It will constantly and discreetly clean your database in background, in tiny tasks to avoid impacting your server. * Change: Reverse the size of the Logs, now from most recent to oldest. * Add: DevTools, to help you debug and understand what is going on. * Update: Support for more plugins. = 0.9.5 (2023/08/18) = * Update: Since the way Duplicated Post Meta is handled is tricky to understand, it shows the potential results first, but after the cleaning/analysis, it silently ignores then when they are actually not duplicates (that way, the results are more accurate). * Fix: Native associations should not be overridable (since it has no effect anyway). = 0.9.4 (2023/07/11) = * Fix: Deleting metadata entries was not working with custom prefixes. = 0.9.3 (2023/06/14) = * Fix: Metadata tables were always using the default prefix. * Update: Support for more plugins. = 0.9.1 (2023/06/02) = * Update: Metadata is loaded/filtered on the server-side (since it's usually too large). * Update: Support for more plugins. * Update: Better UI. = 0.8.9 (2023/05/16) = * Fix: Tables without the prefix were not handled correctly. * Update: Support for more plugins. = 0.8.8 (2023/05/06) = * Update: Cleaned the options. * Update: Support for more plugins. = 0.8.7 (2023/05/05) = * Update: Better UI. * Update: More Age Thresholds. = 0.8.6 (2023/05/02) = * Add: Metadata tab, and filters for columns. * Add: Support for AI Engine. * ADd: Size filters (this can be improved in many ways however). * Update: Fresh packages and bundles. = 0.8.5 (2023/04/09) = * Update: Better support for plugins. * Add: Support for Freemius. = 0.8.4 (2023/03/28) = * Update: Lighter package. * Update: New UI framework. * Update: Better plugins support. * Update: Support for PHP 8.2+. = 0.8.3 (2023/03/13) = * Update: Fully translatable. * Update: Handle more use cases. = 0.8.2 (2023/03/01) = * Update: Optimized bundle size. * Update: Handle more use cases. = 0.8.0 (2023/02/16) = * Update: Handle more use cases. * Update: Refactored and cleaned some code. The plugin is actually now in a beautiful state! = 0.7.9 (2023/02/01) = * Update: Handle more use cases. * Update: Hide the counters when an action is being done. = 0.7.7 (2023/01/27) = * Update: Handle more use cases. * Update: Enhanced the entries modal, but still some work to do. = 0.7.6 (2023/01/09) = * Add: Checkboxes to avoid seeing everything in the entries modal (will make this better later). * Update: Handle more use cases. = 0.7.5 (2023/01/09) = * Add: Repair tables. * Update: Handle more use cases. * Info: Happy 2023! 🎁 = 0.7.4 (2022/12/24) = * Update: Handle more use cases. * Update: Better handling for Duplicated Post Meta. = 0.7.3 (2022/12/12) = * Add: Ability to browse the data in a table. All the columns are displayed, we'll add a way to hide/show the columns independently later. * Add: Better titles for modals. * Add: Additional support for plugins. = 0.7.2 (2022/11/23) = * Add: Support for a lot of new plugins. * Update: Cleaner UI, let me know how to improve it further. = 0.7.1 (2022/11/15) = * Add: New option to add a delay between each request. This is useful when you have a lot of data to clean, and you want to avoid timeouts. * Update: The chart now works a bit differently and can switch between DB size and percent change. * Fix: Little fixes for better requests. * Add: New button to generate random fake data. Only for debugging purposes. = 0.6.9 (2022/11/09) = * Update: Better UI with better buttons, and colored alternative rows. * Update: Used By data is now more overridable. = 0.6.8 (2022/11/01) = * Added: Support for WordPress 6.1. * Added: Support for PHP 8.1. * Added: Custom Queries. = 0.6.7 (2022/10/19) = * Fix: There were a few notices and warnings. * Added: Support for more plugins. = 0.6.6 (2022/10/15) = * Update: We can now override the 'Used By'. * Update: Optimize the 'Used By' feature. * Add: Pingbacks. = 0.6.5 = * Add: Improved browsing of the data. * Update: Improved the loading of data. = 0.6.4 = * Update: Chart use log scale. * Update: Options are handled differently (UI will be more responsive). * Add: Better support for plugins. = 0.6.3 (2022/09/20) = * Add: A little chart to show the evolution of the DB size. * Add: Added support for Expired Transients. * Fix: There was a bug while deleting certain cron jobs. = 0.6.1 (2022/09/08) = * Add: Support for more plugins. * Update: Store everything in only one option instead of many. * Update: Optimized the way options are loaded and updated. = 0.6.0 (2022/09/06) = * Update: Update the size of the DB every day automatically. * Update: The UI is now a bit more elegant. * Add: We can now disable the message which is above the dashboard. = 0.5.9 (2022/08/29) = * Fix: The columns weren't aligned properly. * Fix: Tiny technical enhancements to make things smoother. = 0.5.8 (2022/08/16) = * Add: Easy/Expert Switch. The plugin now fits two kinds of user. * Update: More UI improvements, we are getting close to perfection!? Let me know! 💕 = 0.5.7 (2022/08/10) = * Fix: It was not possible to select many tables at once. * Fix: Assigning a plugin to a specific cron task wasn't working. * Add: New plugins support. * Update: Little changes in the UI and how it works, should feel natural. = 0.5.6 (2022/08/04) = * Update: Assign Plugin now refreshes the items right away. * Update: Assign Plugin now features a filter to associate to plugins faster. * Update: Better UX when the plugin is busy. = 0.5.5 (2022/07/23) = * Fix: Could not delete or optimize tables without prefix. * Update: Use a button instead of a link to associate an item with a plugin. = 0.5.4 (2022/07/19) = * Add: Now possible to select a range of checkboxes/items by using SHIFT. = 0.5.3 (2022/07/12) = * Fix: There was a little UI issue with the columns. * Add: Deep-Cleaning option for Pro. * Add: We can now see/check all the data of all Posts through paging (by using the glass magnifier icon). = 0.5.1 (2022/06/24) = * Update: My library Neko UI was improved (that will impact the UI positively). = 0.4.9 (2022/06/03) = * Update: Enhanced the loading of the data of the first tab, for a smoother and nicer experience. * Update: Additional support for other plugins. = 0.4.7 (2022/05/25) = * Update: Lot of little UI enhancements. * Update: Additional support for other plugins. = 0.4.6 (2022/05/19) = * Fix: The handling of the _user_roles option was wrong. * Update: Icons have been updated; the trash means some data will be removed, while the cross means the item will be entirely removed (in a case of a table, it means it will be dropped). = 0.4.5 (2022/05/16) = * Update: Better handling of the Used By column with support of regexp. * Update: Little UI enhancements to avoid extra clicks. * Fix: Retrieve better option value for the modal. = 0.4.4 (2022/05/10) = * Add: We can now check what is the data stored by an option. = 0.4.3 (2022/05/03) = * Fix: Better UI for handling the Used By. = 0.4.2 (2022/04/29) = * Fix: Better support for ACF and various other plugins. * Fix: Little UI enhancements to handle the "Used By" data. = 0.4.1 (2022/04/24) = * Add: Support for item used by frameworks. * Fix: Better support for Elementor. * Update: Lot of UI enhancements. More to come next week! = 0.3.9 (2022/04/18) = * Fix: Removed some warnings on the PHP side which were sometimes breaking the asynchronous requests. * Add: We can now copy/paste the whole customized data related to Used By. = 0.3.8 (2022/04/15) = * Add: Sort by name, size, used by, etc. * Add: Search for name, used by, etc. * Fix: There was an issue with the count for transients. * Update: Better filters, improved UI. = 0.3.7 (2022/04/13) = * Add: User can now choose a plugin for the "Used By" column. * Fix: Removed a few warnings and enhanced the filters. = 0.3.6 (2022/04/10) = * Fix: The count was wrong for Post Types. = 0.3.4 (2022/04/08) = * Fix: Better handling of "Used By" overrides (to make sure we get some better information about how an item is used). * Add: Checkbox to hide the items "Used by WordPress". * Add: Paging for Post Types, Tables. * Fix: Statistics were not updated after Auto Clean. * Update: Again, many UI enhancements. = 0.3.0 (2022/04/05) = * Update: Many UI enhancements, buttons were simplified and actions moved on the left (to make it clearer which item it is linked to), smoother busy statuses. * Add: Autoload is now a checkbox (which we can enabled/disabled). = 0.2.9 (2022/03/30) = * Update: Changed the way (and filters) the items can be selected in bulk. = 0.2.8 (2022/03/29) = * Fix: There was some issues with deleting cron jobs. * Fix: Little UI issues. * Update: Possibility to select more than one item at the time. = 0.2.7 (2022/03/22) = * Add: Cron Tabs. = 0.2.6 (2022/03/18) = * Fix: The percentage was sometimes off. * Add: Support for Meow Apps plugins. = 0.2.5 (2022/03/15) = * Add: Ability to see how much the DB increased or decreased over time. * Add: Checkbox to select tables. * Update: Improved UI. = 0.2.4 (2022/03/11) = * Fix: Compatibility with MariaDB. * Add: Optimize for tables. * Update: Better UI for Options. * Update: UI enhancements. = 0.2.1 (2022/03/08) = * Add: Support for "Used By" for WordPress Core, WooCommerce, and the whole system behind it (actions, filters). * Update: Better SQL queries. * Update: Better UI. = 0.1.5 (2022/03/04) = * Add: A way to look into the data which is going to be removed. * Add: More ways to delete in bulk. * Fix: A few UI bugs related to refreshing. * Update: The UI is always evolving! Better and better! (and we are not done) = 0.1.2 (2022/02/21) = * Update: Better buffered deletions. * Update: Dynamicity of the UI has improved a lot. = 0.1.1 (2022/02/15) = * Add: Finally, support for big installs, with buffered deletions! * Update: A bunch of fixes and enhancements. = 0.1.0 (2022/01/26) = * Update: Doesn't work with risk level anymore, but a simpler option. * Update: UI improvements. = 0.0.7 (2022/01/11) = * Add: Logging. * Update: More information about what the plugin is cleaning after clicking the Clean DB button. = 0.0.6 (2021/12/20) = * Update: Nice UI improvements. = 0.0.5 (2021/12/14) = * Add: Support for removing tables, and check by which plugins they are used. * Add: Ignore status for Risk column. * Info: Additional and various enhancements. = 0.0.4 = * Fix: The default Risk Treshold was too high. = 0.0.3 = * Update: Small improvements, tables percentages, etc. = 0.0.2 = * Add: Table statistics. * Update: Improve UI (buttons, organization, etc). = 0.0.1 = * Info: First release.