HUSKY WooCommerce Products Filter Professional enhances the capabilities of the WooCommerce plugin, enabling your website visitors to easily search for products based on categories, product attributes, tags, taxonomies, and price.
HUSKY – WooCommerce Products Filter Highlights:
- Utilizes native WooCommerce API for seamless integration.
- Offers both shortcodes and widgets for versatile placement.
- Features straightforward and uncomplicated options.
- Displays taxonomies in the filter with clarity.
- AJAX mode available for shop categories pages, ensuring a dynamic experience.
- Includes a Meta Filter for enhanced filtering options.
- Allows the search form to be presented as a BUTTON for a distinctive look.
- Dynamic products recount for real-time updates.
- Step-by-step filter functionality for a systematic approach.
- Custom extension creation with any HTML elements.
- Provides statistics for search requests based on taxonomies.
- Quick Search feature for speedy product retrieval.
- Products Messenger for efficient communication.
- Infinite scroll for a continuous display of filtered products.
- Various search options, including title, content text, and SKU.
- WooCommerce products color filters for visual categorization.
- Images as filter elements in the search form for a visually appealing interface.
- Price filter presented as a range-slider or drop-down for flexibility.
- Different skins available for radio and checkboxes in the plugin settings.
- Compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
- Works seamlessly with Display Product for WooCommerce, WooCommerce Brands, WooCommerce Products Per Page.
- WPML compatibility for multilingual support.
- Fully compatible with PHP 7 for optimal performance.
= 1.3.5 = * bunch of small fixes * [new features](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-3-3-5/) = = * set of small fixes = = * 1 security fix, thanks to Rafie M from patchstack.com = = * 2 security fixes, thanks to Darius Sveikauskas from patchstack.com = = * ACF fields ext is fixed * add new advanced option ["Forcing disabling of functionality"](https://share.pluginus.net/image/i20230726141025.png) = = * fix about Smart Designer installation = 1.3.4 = * heap of small fixes * [Filter form front builder ext](https://products-filter.com/extencion/filter-form-front-builder/) = 1.3.3 = * heap of small fixes * [new features](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-3-3-3/) = 1.3.2 = * Rebranding: WOOF to HUSKY * 1 security fixed, thanks to Animesh from WPScan = 1.3.1 = * New extension [Smart Designer](https://products-filter.com/smart-designer) * 1 security fixed, thanks to Animesh from WPScan = 1.3.0 = * code sanitizing * code refactoring = = * more code sanitizing = = * more code sanitizing * woo 6.9 ready tests = = * code sanitizing = = * 1 security fix = = * WPML error fix = 1.2.9 = * heap of small fixes * [new hook for Husky](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-9/) = 1.2.8 = * heap of small CSS fixes * fix for the text search Husky * new option: "Image for autoform toggle" * new value for option "Skins for the auto filter": Flat white (1 column) = 1.2.7 = * heap of small fixes * [new features](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-7/) = = * fixed: is_ajax function is deprecated since woocommerce version 6.1.0. Replace with wp_doing_ajax. = = * 1 security issue fixed thanks to Erwan from WPScan = = * 1 security issue (sanitizing) = = * 2 security issues fixed thanks to patchstack.com = 1.2.6 = * new admin panel design * SEO links extension * [new features](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-6/) = = * code cleaning and changing * 2 medium fixes * fixed wp 5.8 widget issue * [new features](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-5-6/) = = * little fixes = = * fix in file \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce-products-filter\views\html_types\select.php for WOOF_HELPER::wpml_translate($taxonomy_info) = 1.2.5 = * [https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-5/](https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-5/) = = * jQuery code fix for WordPress 5.6 compatibility = 1.2.4 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-4/ = 1.2.3 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-3/ = = * 1 hot fix with redirecting from single page to shop page. Reset site cache as js/front.js and js/front_comprssd.js file was changed!! = 1.2.2 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-2/ = 1.2.1 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-1/ = 1.2.0 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-2-0/ = 1.1.9 = * compatibility fixes for woocommerce 3.3.x = 1.1.8 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-8/ = 1.1.7 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-7/ = = * 8 little fixes = 1.1.6 = * https://products-filter.com/update-woocommerce-products-filter-v-2-1-6/ = = * One hot fix = 1.1.5 = * Some little bugs fixed reported from customers * 2 Security Vulnerability issues fixed - thanks to pluginvulnerabilities.com * Adopting to WooCommerce 2.6.x * New attribute tax_exclude: [woof tax_exclude='pa_size,pa_test'] * New hook filter 'woof_use_chosen' * New hook filter 'woof_main_query_tax_relations' added, wacth more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4zUhfhZlonlNkVXMEZIdUxlWFU/view?usp=sharing * Toggle improvement based on request from https://wordpress.org/support/topic/toggle-open-them-all?replies=3 * Disable the tooltips option for the color filter only * New hook filter 'woof_text_autocomplete_items' - how many founded items mto show if text autocomplete mode enabled * Links to posts in suggestion - new option for text search if autocomplete enabled * A lot of minor improvements in the code = = * Fixed 2 bugs in classes/helper.php: terms ordering and non-latin terms characters for sub-categories = = * Fixed 1 bug with hiding terms from options = 1.1.4 = * Fixed bugs from customers * A lot of the code has been remade * Extension installation functionality from backend is added and its API is finished and can be used in production * Using default extension php developers can create: types of filter elements using any custom html templates, any products loop templates * Possibility to write custom templates for woocommerce products loop using extensions * Improved SKU searching for variable products and autocomplete added add_filter('woof_text_autocomplete_items', function($count){ return 2; }); (enabled optionally from admin panel) * Improved by Text searching and autocomplete added add_filter('woof_sku_autocomplete_items', function($count){ return 2; }); (enabled optionally from admin panel) * Improved InStock searching for variable products * Toggles for taxonomies on the front added * New attribute: [woof_author_filter role="author"] * New attribute: custom_tpl for [woof_products]. Example: [woof_products custom_tpl='themes/twentytwelve/woo_tpl_1.php' per_page=8 columns=3 is_ajax=0 taxonomies=product_cat:9] * New attribute: [woof_products get_args_only=1] - possibility get array of arguments only * New attribute: [woof excluded_terms="33,44,55,66,77"] * New attribute: [woof_products predict_ids_and_continue=1] [woof_products_ids_prediction taxonomies=product_cat:8] - use for AJAX mode only for correct price range slider work * New option: Range-slider skin - tab Design * New option: Init plugin on the next site pages only - tab Advanced * New option: <strong>In the terms slugs uses non-latin characters</strong> - from now doesn matter which language uses in slug names - tab Advanced * New hook added: add_filter('woof_title_tag', function($tag){ return 'h3'; }); * New hook added: add_filter('woof_widget_title_tag', function($tag){ return 'h3'; }); * New hook added: $price_slider_html = apply_filters('woof_price_slider_html', $price_slider_html, $price_slider_data); * New hook added: $orderby = apply_filters('woof_get_terms_orderby', $taxonomy); * New hook added: $order = apply_filters('woof_get_terms_order', $taxonomy, $orderby); = = * Hot js fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/variable-products-not-working-3 = 1.1.3 = * ATTENTION: before update from v.1.1.2 to v.1.1.3 read this please https://products-filter.com/migration-v-2-1-2-or-1-1-2-and-lower-to-2-1-3-or-1-1-3-and-higher/ * Fixed bugs from customers * New wp filter: $wr = apply_filters('woof_products_query', $wr); in [woof_products] * New attributes added: [woof tax_only='pa_color,pa_size' items_only='by_text,by_author'] * https://products-filter.com/documentation/#!/hierarchy-drop-down * Color type improved, now its possible set background image too * Search by text: by excerpt, by content OR excerpt, by title OR content OR excerpt * Added new shortcode: [woof_text_filter] * Added new shortcode: [woof_author_filter] * Added new shortcode: [woof_search_options] * Improved shortcode: [woof_price_filter type="slider"] //slider,select * Improved shortcode: [woof_products behaviour='recent' per_page=12 columns=3] * Improved shortcode: [woof redirect="__LINK_HERE__" autosubmit=1] * Improved shortcode: [woof redirect="https://www.your-site.com/page1" autosubmit=1 ajax_redraw=1 is_ajax=1 tax_only="locations" by_only="none"] - new attributes - tax_only,by_only,redirect * Disable swoof influence option * Custom front css styles file link option * Additional text in the widget optionally * Additional options in the widget optionally * Custom extensions possibility implemented * Show helper button option * Old v.1.1.2: https://products-filter.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/woocommerce-products-filter-112.zip = 1.1.2 = * Fixed minor issues from customers * Added: Search by SKU - premium only * Added: Filter by price as drop-down - premium only * Added shortcode: [woof_title_filter placeholder="custom placeholder text"] * the color description selectable so that it can be highlighted and pasted into colour selector by the term description textarea * Added condition attribute 'taxonomies': [woof taxonomies=product_cat:9 sid="auto_shortcode"][woof_products is_ajax=1 per_page=8 taxonomies=product_cat:9] * Added: the "eyeball" search icon image - can be changed in the plugin settings -> tab Miscellaneous * Added: dynamic recount cron cache periods of cleaning * Added: option - Hide woof top panel buttons * Added: option - storage type: session or transient * PHP code optimization * Added some features to API: (https://products-filter.com/documentation/#!/section_6)[https://products-filter.com/documentation/#!/section_6] = = * Hot fix update for compatibility with WordPress 4.3 = 1.1.1 = * Some little bugs fixed + 1 strict notice * Added compatibility for WOOCS 2.0.9 and 1.0.9 = 1.1.0 = * Too much improvements * AJAX mode added!! = 1.0.7 = * Too much improvements * Premium version on codecanyon: [https://products-filter.com/a/buy](https://products-filter.com/a/buy) = 1.0.5 = * Heap of bugs from customers is fixed * Possibility to add a FILTER button, so the plugin dont search automatically until someone click on Filter * New option 'Use chosen' - you can switch off/on this js lib from now * In stock only checkbox on the front = 1.0.4 = Partly WPML compatibility + some little fixes = 1.0.3 = Adopted to woocommerce 2.3.2 and higher for products attributes filtering = 1.0.2 = Very important 1 bug fixed with Fatal Error. Corrected work with the native price filter (dynamic recount) = 1.0.1 = Dynamic products recount = 1.0.0 = Plugin release. Operate all the basic functions.